Brothers Basil and Gerard

Both Brothers Basil Downey and Gerard Histon are looked after by Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care Services at Rooty Hill. Alan Ruff, Paul Blair and Raymond McCluskie all went on a visit last Thursday 19 November 2009.

Brother Gerard is 90 years old and as a result of amputations is confined to bed. He was pleased to see us all and we engaged in pleasant conversation and recalled some of the events when he taught us at Forest Lodge. I wasn't aware that Bother Gerard was the founding Principal of Patrician Brothers College Blacktown. Brother Gerard is proud to have this achievement.

Brother Basil at 83 is still a whirlwind. When we went to his room he was out, off to the computer room to check his email. We eventually caught up with Brother Basil and as usual there was a broad smile on his face. Basil still has some physical affect of his stroke; he doesn't have the use his left hand. "Have you ever tried to pull on a sock with one hand" grins Brother Basil. We recounted passed times. Brother Basil still recalls how he was the only Brother at Forest Lodge who was a qualified Rugby League referee.

We all had a great time

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